Welcome to PAT Testing Wales.
07772 248705


Our Pricing

At Pat Testing Wales, we understand the importance of transparent and competitive pricing for our PAT testing services. The pricing table above outlines the typical costs associated with our services, providing you with a clear overview of what to expect.

Number of ItemsPricePer item thereafter
Less than 20 items£79£1
300 items£30090p
​​​​Microwave Leakage Test£5.99-

Why Choose Pat Testing Wales?

  1. Transparent Pricing: Our pricing table reflects the standard costs for our PAT testing services. We believe in transparency, ensuring that our clients have a clear understanding of the investment required to maintain electrical safety.

  2. Get a Free Quote: While the pricing table offers a general idea, we encourage you to take advantage of our free quote service. Prices may vary based on several factors, including the size of your premises, the number of appliances, and any ongoing deals or promotions we may have.

  3. Special Deals and Promotions: Keep an eye out for special deals and promotions that could further reduce your costs. We occasionally run exclusive offers, and our free quote form is the gateway to discovering the best pricing options available.

  4. Reduced Pricing for Ongoing and Multiple Site Orders: We value long-term partnerships and offer reduced pricing for ongoing maintenance contracts and multiple site orders. This ensures that you not only benefit from our expertise but also enjoy cost savings for your commitment to electrical safety.

How to Get Started

  1. Explore our Pricing Table: Review the pricing table above to get an initial understanding of our typical costs.
  2. Get a Free Quote: For a personalized quote tailored to your specific needs, fill out our online form. This allows us to consider all relevant factors and provide you with an accurate and competitive price.
  3. Contact Us: Have questions or need assistance? Our friendly team is here to help. Contact us to discuss your requirements and explore how Pat Testing Wales can best meet your electrical safety needs.

Reliable & Experienced PAT Testers in Wales

Call us today on 07772 248705. We are always available to help you.